Sanches Siqueira Campos, Andre

International Relations
Regional Integration studies (Europe, Latin America and Asia)
Comparative Regionalism
European Affairs and External Action
Regional Financial Cooperation
Global Governance
Development Policies
PhD in Social Sciences, Leuven International and European Studies, KU Leuven, Belgium
PhD in International Relations, Sao Paulo State University, UNESP, Brazil
MA in International Relations, Federal University of Uberlandia, UFU, Brazil
During his visiting research fellowship at UNU-CRIS, Andre Sanches Siqueira Campos worked under the supervision of Frank Mattheis as part of the Regions and Cities Governance Lab (Re-LAB). Andre primarily worked on the role of central banks in regional integration with particular attention to sustainability governance and regional payment systems.
His area of interest also includes the European Union’s engagement with the Global South, particularly the EU-Latin America and EU-South Asia relations, geopolitics in the Indo-Pacific, European Affairs and External Action, the role of BRICS countries in reforming the international financial system, regulatory globalization and trade negotiations. Andre Sanches was a Visiting Researcher at the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, Belgium (2020-2021) and Teaching Assistant in International Relations and European Integration at KU Leuven.
He is also affiliated with the Leuven International and European Studies (LINES) and Researcher at the Regionalism Observatory (ODR), part of the Interinstitutional Graduate Program in International Relations “San Tiago Dantas” (UNESP-UNICAMP-PUC/SP), Brazil. In addition to his academic trajectory, he has professional experience in the Brazilian government, where he worked with international marketing strategy, destination management and public policy analysis for eight years.