Ribeiro Hoffmann, Andrea

Comparative Regionalism with a focus on Latin America; Interregional Relations, with a focus on EU-Latin American relations; Legitimacy and Democracy in International Politics; Global Governance; International Organisations and Multilateralism.
PhD in Political Science/International Relations from the University of Tübingen, Germany
MA in International Relations from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)
BA in Economics from PUC-Rio
Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann is associate professor at the Institute of International Relations at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (IRI/PUC-Rio) and collaborator professor at the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA). She holds research productivity scholarships from the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Cnpq) and the Rio de Janeiro State Research Foundation (FAPERJ). She is former coordinator of the Jean Monnet Network Crisis-Equity-Democracy for Europe and Latin America (http://jeanmonnetcrisisequitydemocracy.com/), member of the international research networks GRIDALE (https://www.gridale.org/) on integration and development in Latin America and Europe, and researcher of the Latin American Institute to Multilateralism (https://instlam.org/ ).
She has done consultancies to the Inter-American Development Bank, European Commission, Bertelsmann Stiftung and Ford Foundation, among others, and published several books, chapters and articles, among the most recent articles: Mercosur at 30: political ideologies and (de)legitimation strategies. International Affairs 99.3 (2023): 1043-1061; EUPD performance in Latin America: Assessing the cases of Brazil, Mexico and Colombia, with P.Sandrin, R. Dominguez,. A Quiroga. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 31:1 (2023): 63-75; Institutional Overlap and Access to Medicines in MERCOSUR and UNASUR (2008-2018).: Cooperation before the Collapse? , with Andrea Bianculli & Beatriz Nascimento. Global Public Health (2021); Interregionalismo como impulso para el regionalismo y desarrollo latinoamericano y caribeño In: De cara al futuro de la integración latinoamericana.1 ed.Bogota: Ediciones Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, 2022, v.9.
At UNU-CRIS, Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann will serve as a visiting research fellow within the Regions and Cities Governance Lab Cluster and will primarily work on the research project “Green politics and policies in the EU and Latin American regional organizations”