van Wieren, Charlotte

Charlotte van Wieren obtained a Master’s Degree in European Policy at the University of Amsterdam in 2020; focussing mainly on digital governance and policymaking. Her thesis analysed the effectiveness of the European Union as a cybersecurity actor, comparing policy strategy against emerged legislation. Before that, she obtained a Bachelor’s degree in International Studies at Leiden University, with a minor in European Union Studies, and became increasingly interested in the management and governing of multicentric policy areas.
Charlotte mostly focused on policy areas that have a strong effect on the “classical” understanding of sovereignty, where decision-making experiences a clash between the national level and the EU level. Her research interests therefore revolved around cyber governance, data protection and privacy rights, and all-around digital policy topics.
During her internship at UNU-CRIS, Charlotte worked under the supervision of Jamal Shahin and contributed to a Digital Governance Institute mapping file to help the Digital Governance Cluster within UNU-CRIS position itself. Secondly, she contributed to a proposal for a working paper on cybersecurity discourse, building on her previous research, and looked to see if a comparative regional approach to cybersecurity could be seen across the world.