Biographical Statement 

Daniel Thym holds the Jean-Monnet-Chair of European, International and Public Law, serves as managing director of the Research Centre Immigration & Asylum Law and is the spokesperson of the interdisciplinary ‘Research Centre Social Cohesion’ at University of Konstanz after having previously worked for the Walter-Hallstein-Institute for European Constitutional Law at Humboldt-University in Berlin. Thym regularly appears as an expert witness in the home affairs committee of the German Bundestag, contributes to the pan-European ‘Odysseus Academic Network’ of legal experts in immigration and asylum law and serves as the Vice-Chairperson of the German ‘Expert Council on Integration and Migration’, an independent advisory body for the government and parliament. Thym has published widely on diverse issues of European law, with a special focus on immigration, citizenship, asylum, constitutional affairs and external relations.

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