Enhancing Global Governance Through Regional IntegrationFacebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn Author(s): LukVan Langenhove RameshThakur Publication Date: 01 July 2006Publisher: Lynne RienersPublication Place: BoulderPublication Language: ENAppearing in: Global GovernanceVolume: 12Issue: 3Pages: 233-240URL: Lynne Rieners Other articles by these authors 2022Science Diplomacy in the Age of War 2020The Psychology of Regions - A Vygotskian Perspective 2020Regional Organisations and UN Reform: Towards Multilateralism 2.0 2019Who cares? Science Diplomacy and the global commons 2019Broadening Soft Power in EU-US Relations Recent Articles 2025Comparative Regionalism beyond Europe versus the Rest 2025Blue and Green Water Scarcity in the McKenzie Creek Watershed of the Great Lakes Basin 2024Beyond Exit: How Populist Governments Disengage from International Institutions