EU-African Cooperation on Migration: What are the African Interests?

03 April 2019

Discussing EU-African cooperation on migration most often happens from a Eurocentric perspective, emphasizing the EU’s core interest of having orderly and managed migration. But what do African states want in the migration field? What are their interests and positions vis-à-vis the EU’s agenda? The UNU-CRIS project ‘African Migration: Root Causes and Regulatory Dynamics (AMIREG)’ has explored this. Building upon extensive field-work and numerous interviews conducted in Ghana and Senegal, it elaborates on what drives African actors and African migration. This Policy Forum will present and discuss the key findings of the project with African policy-makers and civil society representatives.  



  • Prof. Madeleine Hosli, Director of UNU-CRIS


Presenting the results of the AMIREG Project

Project team:

  • Prof. Ilke Adam, Prof. Florian Trauner, Prof. Ilse Ruyssen, Dr. Sara Salomone, Ms. Leonie Jegen


  • Mr. Omar Ba, former coordinator of African Platform (Belgium), historian and diversity consultant
  • Ms. Ndey Haddy Jeng, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of the Republic of The Gambia in Brussels
  • Mr. Kumut Imesh, documentary maker (film ‘Revenir’), founder and president of ACSORE (Actions of Solidarity for Refugees, France) and refugee


Wednesday 3 April 2019
18:00 - 19:30 
UNU-CRIS, Bruges


Registration and venue

The event is open to all and free of charge, but due to space limitations please register by filling in the following link. The event will be followed by a small reception.

Venue: UNU-CRIS, Potterierei 72, 8000 Brugge, Belgium



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