Bossuyt, Fabienne

Fabienne Bossuyt is Associate Professor at the Ghent Institute for International and European Studies (GIES) at the Department of Political Science at Ghent University. She is a senior lecturer in the MA programme in EU Studies and the MA Programme in Global Studies. In addition, she is co-director of the Eureast Platform of Ghent University. She is also active as an affiliated researcher of EUCAM and a member of the Academic Board of the European Neighbourhood Council.
She currently contributes to UNU-CRIS in her capacity as supervisor of the BOF UNU-CRIS PhD projects of Domenico Valenza and Louise Amoris. In addition, Fabienne Bossuyt also regularly engages in UNU-CRIS activities and outputs, including through the organisation of and involvement in workshops and seminars, and as guest editor and author of policy briefs in the UNU-CRIS policy brief series.
Fabienne Bossuyt holds a PhD in Political Science from Aston University and a PhD in EU Studies from Ghent University. Her main area of expertise is the EU’s foreign policy and in particular the EU’s relations with the post-Soviet space. Her recent research projects focus on various aspects of the EU’s relations with and policies towards Central Asia and other post-Soviet countries, including democracy promotion, development policy and human rights promotion. She has also sought to further develop and advance research that compares the EU’s relations with Central Asia with those of Russia and China.
She has published articles in, among others, Democratization, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Journal of International Relations and Development, Eurasian Geography and Economics, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, East European Politics & Societies, and Communist and Post-Communist Studies. Her latest publications include a special issue on the Sino-Russian relationship in Eurasian Geography and Economics, and the edited volumes “Principled Pragmatism in Practice: The EU’s Policy towards Russia after Crimea” (Brill) and “The European Union, China and Central Asia. Global and Regional Cooperation in A New Era” (Routledge). The latter book is the outcome of a workshop hosted by UNU-CRIS in June 2018. Fabienne Bossuyt also engages in policy-related work. She was involved in the preparation of the EU’s new strategy for Central Asia, including as rapporteur for the EU Special Representative for Central Asia and as a policy advisor, inter alia, for the German and French Ministries for Foreign Affairs.