Bruggeman, Famke

Research Intern
27/03/2023 to 25/05/2023
Biographical Statement 

Famke Bruggeman was a research intern at UNU-CRIS and a third-year student at Ghent University, where she was majoring in Public Administration and Public Management. She took her first steps into the world of public administration last summer at her own local government, Tielt. More specifically, she worked at the public welfare centre. There she saw the power of municipal services. In line with the principle of subsidiarity, Famke believes that paying attention to implementing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals at the local level is crucial to meeting the 2030 targets. This brought her to her internship at UNU-CRIS.

She interned at UNU-CRIS under the supervision of Samuel Standaert and Justine Miller. Out of 132 possible internships, she opted for UNU-CRIS because of the internship assignment, namely data acquisition and processing in function of the next SDG monitor update. This SDG monitor update will be, coincidentally, of great importance for the next local elections. This all tied together nicely taking into account that Famke participated in Model United Nations Bilbao in 2019. Always having had an affinity for the United Nations, she hoped for an educational experience at UNU-CRIS where she could put theory into practice.