Prieto, Germán Camilo

Regionalism and regional integration in Latin America; Industrial policy and development in Latin America; Energy transition in Latin America; Philosophy of social science; Quantum social science.
PhD in Politics from the University of Manchester, UK
MA in International Political Economy from the University of Warwick, UK
BA in Political Science from Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Germán C. Prieto is an Associate Research Fellow at UNU-CRIS and an associate professor at the Department of International Relations in Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogota). He has recently held the position of Director of Economic Integration at the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism of Colombia, and before that he has conducted prominent research on issues of regionalism, industrial policy and development in Latin America. He is member of the International Studies Association and of the international research network GRIDALE (Reflection Group on Integration and Development in Latin America and Europe) (, and of the Colombian Network of International Relations (Redintercol) (
He has previously worked as consultant for the International Labour Organisation, for the Research Center for Development at Universidad Nacional de Colombia and for the United Nations Development Program, and has published two books and several chapters and academic articles, which among the most recent are: 'Identity and Regional Institutions in Latin America' (together with Juan Carlos Aguirre), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies, Oxford University Press (2022): 1-19; 'Colombia frente a la Integración Regional en América Latina: Entre la Iniciativa de Liderazgo y la Prelación hacia Estados Unidos' (together with María Carolina Giraldo), Análisis Político no. 104 (2022): 244-269; 'Las Estrategias de Inserción Económica Internacional de Colombia: una valoración de la IED y de los Tratados de Libre Comercio' (together with Eloísa Cardona), DADOS 65(1) (2022): 1-34; and the book: Identidad Colectiva e Instituciones Regionales en la Comunidad Andina. Un análisis constructivista. Editorial Javeriana (2016).
At UNU-CRIS, Germán C. Prieto previously served as a (virtual) visiting research fellow within the Regions and Cities Governance Lab Cluster and primarily worked on the research project “Possibilities for advancing energy transition in Latin America on regional scale(s)”.