Tarantini, Giulia

Research Intern
02/03/2016 to 02/09/2016
Biographical Statement 

Giulia holds a Bachelor’s Degree in International Cooperation and Development from the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza,’ and a Master’s Degree of Art in Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe (MIREES), from the University of Bologna.

During her studies she wrote several essays focussing on the regional cooperation between Italy and South-Eastern Europe, on the causes and consequences of the Yugoslav wars, and on the relations between the EU and its Eastern neighbours. Her Master’s dissertation focussed on the historical background and recent developments of organised crime in the Balkans.

In the course of her six-month internship at UNU-CRIS, Giulia researched the field of EU neighbourhood policies, especially cultural and science diplomacy in an EU neighbourhood context under the supervision of Simon Schunz.