Banim, Guy

Whilst (Virtual) Visiting Research Fellow at UNU-CRIS, Guy Banim worked on a narrative mapping of key UN regional and national prevention actors in Europe and Asia, in the context of a project with UNU-CPR. The project was led by Frank Mattheis and involved also Jamie Pring. During the execution of the project, Guy was part of the Regions and Cities Governance Lab cluster (Re-LAB).
Guy is also currently a Visiting Professor on EU Peace Mediation at the College of Europe. He has over twenty years of experience in peace process support having began his career as an official in the Northern Ireland Office working on the implementation of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement. Subsequently he worked for the EU Conflict Prevention and Crisis Management Division in Brussels as well as in the EU Delegation in Nepal, EU Police Mission in Afghanistan and in Addis Ababa as EU adviser to the AU on the African Peace and Security Architecture. He was team leader of the Mediation Support Team in the European External Action Service 2011-2014 and has been an associate analyst for EU Institute of Security Studies on the ASEAN Regional Forum approach to preventive diplomacy. He is on the UN ExpRes roster for mediation experts.
He has authored or contributed to a number of publications including: Time to Step Up EU Mediation? European Institute of Peace, 2020; What Do Envoys Think: Taking Stock of Mediation Support. European Institute of Peace, May 2019; Peacemaking and New Technologies: Dilemmas and Options for Mediators. Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, 2018; Low Road to Peace: The Potential of Peace Mediation in Revitalizing Prevention. European Institute of Peace, 2017 (Background Paper for the United Nations–World Bank Flagship Study, Pathways for Peace); Prevention Better than Cure: The EU’s Quiet Diplomacy in Asia. EU Institute for Security Studies, 2017; The EU in Myanmar: Preventive Diplomacy in Action? 29, EU Institute for Security Studies, 2014; EU-AU Dialogue on Strategic Approaches to Mediation: Building the African Union’s Mediation Capacity. Initiative for Peacebuilding, Dec. 2010; An Inclusive Peace Process in Nepal and the Role of the EU. Crisis Management Initiative, Dec. 2007.
Guy is a dual national Irish/British, currently lives in Portugal, tweets @guybanim and his profile is on