Wiles, Haydn

Haydn Wiles obtained a Master's Degree in European Policy at the University of Amsterdam in 2020, focusing primarily on European digital policy. His thesis analysed the underlying factors behind the emergence and persistence of Europe’s digital deficit vis-à-vis the US. Prior to this, he obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Economics with European Governance at Utrecht University.
Aside from digital policy, Haydn’s research interests primarily include regional integration and the role of public support in the integration process - a topic he has written about, both during his studies and as a contributor to his former University’s magazine.
During his three-month internship at UNU-CRIS, Haydn worked on a comparative research project on EU-US-ASEAN digital strategy discourses under the supervision of Professor Jamal Shahin and Orsolya Gulyás (VUB). The project analyses how policy discourses towards digital infrastructure have been framed over time, and whether these frames have changed in response to certain global events.