Prof. Dr. Ruyssen, Ilse
Migration determinants
Migration aspirations
Network effects
Climate change and migration
Health and migration
Migration policy
Migrants' location choice
Implications of international migration
PhD in Economic Sciences, Ghent University
MA in Advanced Studies in Economics, Catholic University of Leuven
MA in Economic Sciences, Ghent University
Ilse Ruyssen is a Professorial Fellow at UNU-CRIS and Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics of Ghent University where she teaches several courses in the field of migration economics and international economics. She obtained her PhD in Economic Sciences from Ghent University in 2013 after which she spent three years as a postdoctoral researcher at IRES (Université Catholique de Louvain) and Ghent University. As of 2020, she coordinates the CliMigHealth International Thematic Network which brings together scholars from multiple disciplines all over the world working on the nexus between climate change, migration and health(care). Her recent articles have among others been published in: Journal of Development Economics, World Development, Journal of Economic Geography and International Migration Review. For a complete list of publications and paper downloads, see her author page on ResearchGate.
At UNU-CRIS, Ilse was the promotor of the project “African Migration: Root Causes and Regulatory Dynamics” (AMIREG) which aimed to provide a deeper understanding of the root causes of migration with a particular focus on climatic shocks and conflict, and to identify the effectiveness of and scope for regional agreements to ease mobility responses to such geo-localized shocks. Currently, she is the supervisor of multiple PhD students affiliated to UNU-CRIS and is involved in several research projects related to specific migration themes.