Isenia, Judeska
Before being enrolled in Law School, Judeska studied Tourism Management in both Curaçao and the Netherlands. Internships in Curaçao, St. Martin and New York were great eye-openers for her.
Judeska would like to pursue a career in law and therefore enrolled in Leiden Law School in the Netherlands. After submitting a paper on EU-China and the Lifting of the Weapons Embargo, she obtained a degree in Dutch Law (LLB). She graduated from Leiden University, where she obtained a degree in Public International Law (LLM). Her Master thesis is entitled: A Unilateral Promise Sensu Stricto and The Obligation of Compliance.
It is her objective to make a contribution, and to further develop her research and writing skills during her internship in the Peace and Security division at UNU-CRIS. Her interest goes to Public International Law in general, International Criminal Law and Humanitarian Law.