Foubert, Killian

Killian Foubert was working as a PhD fellow at Ghent University where he focused his research on mobility after terrorist attacks and he was collaborating with the migration cluster at UNU-CRIS. More specifically, he analysed the heterogeneity in migration responses depending on the type, intensity, and localization of these events. He also studied the determinants of return migration decision. He was under the supervision of Professor Dr Ilse Ruyssen (Ghent University).
Killian holds a bachelor’s degree from the Université de Bordeaux (France), in which he was granted an Erasmus merit scholarship to spend a year abroad at the University of Bristol (United Kingdom), where he specialised in econometrics. This opportunity gave him the possibility to get a Master’s degree in development economics from the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (France). In his master dissertation, he aimed to study how terrorist attacks influenced bilateral migration flows at the macroeconomic level, and received honours for it. After his master, he spent three months as a research assistant at the Université Paris Saclay (France) to build a database on productivity differences according to gender using performances in high elo chess games. During his PhD at Ghent University (Belgium), Killian conducted an internship at The United Nations Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (UN-SIAP) in Chiba (Japan). In that regard, Killian had to write e-classes aiming at south Eastern Asian governments on the methodology to measure greenhouse gas emissions, and construct physical national accounts of gases emitted by human economic activities.