Drieghe, Lotte

Lotte Drieghe worked at the WTO in Geneva on TBT and transparency matters. Her doctoral dissertation studied the EU’s cooperation policies towards African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries. During a two-year assignment at the United Nations Development Programme and United Nations Department for Economic and Social Affairs in New York, she continued working on trade and development issues as trade policy analyst. In 2016, she took up a position at the World Trade Organization in Geneva to work on SPS and TBT related issues. She also contributed to a study on the future relationship between the EU and ACP countries (post-Cotonou) during a short consultancy for the European Commission (DG Devco), and carried out expert consultancies for UNDESA and ISO. During a brief assignment for the GREMLIN project Lotte Drieghe worked on civil society participation in international trade policies, a topic she explored further as a post-doctoral researcher at the Ghent University. Before taking up the position at the United Nations, Lotte worked as a research coordinator for the Ghent University College and as a researcher for the KULeuven. She holds a Master’s Degree in International Politics and a Master’s Degree in EU law, both from Ghent University.