Peccini, Matteo
- EU-Africa Relations in the Sahel
- Interregionalism and Regionalism
- Postcolonial studies
- PhD in Global Studies, Economy, Society and Law at the University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”
- Master’s Degree in International Relations and European Studies at the “Cesare Alfieri” School of Political Science, University of Florence
- Bachelor’s Degree in International Sciences and European Institutions at the University of Milan
Matteo Peccini is a PhD student in Global Studies at the University of Urbino “Carlo Bo” in Italy. During his visiting research fellowship at UNU-CRIS, Matteo will work under the supervision of Frank Mattheis within the Regions and Cities Governance Cluster. In his PhD project Matteo provides an analysis of the nature and the characteristics of contemporary EU-Africa relations, especially in the Sahelian region, trying to grasp the limitation and the fragilities of the intercontinental relations in the last decade. Hence, here at UNU-CRIS, Matteo will predominantly study the features of the regional and interregional dialogue inside and outside the West Africa area, designing its work in order to create a bridge between the classic International Relations thinking and the Postcolonial one.