Dullaghan, Neil
Neil Dullaghan was pursuing an MPhil in Politics (European Politics and Society) at University of Oxford, UK as a member of Mansfield College. He specialised in the development of democratic institutions and culture at both national and European governance levels. He currently holds an Honours Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations from Dublin City University, Ireland. He has also studied in Boston University, USA, as part of a year-long study abroad program looking at issues of International Conflict and Cooperation and North Atlantic Security and Defence.
Following a short time as a database researcher in the private sector he interned with the International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect (ICRtoP) in New York, USA. He assisted with membership outreach, monitored issue- and country-specific cases as they developed, and attended various workshops with UN delegates and Security Council meetings in the United Nations headquarters. He assisted in advancing the language of the ‘Responsibility to Protect’ norm into the work of ICRtoP’s partners as well as writing on the advancement of the concept in numerous regional organisations and conflicts around the world.
At UNU-CRIS, Neil worked under the supervision of Dr. Philippe De Lombaerde for a period of two months. During his stay, he worked under the research program Monitoring and Assessing Regional Integration. He also assisted Dr. Luk Van Langenhove in some of his research proposals.