Hatenboer, Constant
Constant Hatenboer graduated from Groningen University’s research Master’s in Modern History and International Relations. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in International Studies from Leiden University. During his Bachelor studies, Constant took specialising courses on Latin America and Canada, and studied at Dalhousie University in Canada for a semester. Constant returned to Canada on a scholarship to attend a summer course on migration and identity, which was jointly organised by the University of Groningen and Dalhousie University’s Jean Monnet European Union Centre of Excellence.
At the University of Groningen, Constant served as treasurer on the first board of Synthesis, the recently founded interdisciplinary study association for research master students. His research interests include European integration, Europe-Latin America and Europe-Canada relations, and freedom of movement rights.
As a research intern at UNU-CRIS, Constant worked on the EL-CSID project under the supervision of Elke Boers and Riccardo Trobbiani for a period of three months.