Ryu, Jae Young

Research Intern
South Korea
Biographical Statement 

Jae Young Ryu (Patrick) is a research intern at UNU-CRIS. He holds a bachelor’s in Marine Bio-Materials and Aquaculture from Pukyong National University in Korea. After graduation, Patrick worked as an editor for an aquaculture magazine company for two years. During this time, he aimed to connect with stakeholders from various countries and Korea and gained a broader perspective by participating in different events. Additionally, he participated as a research assistant at the National Institute of Fisheries Science in Korea to investigate the value chain analysis of main aquaculture species. His responsibilities included conducting field surveys to understand the challenges faced by Korea's aquaculture industry and gathering feedback from aquaculture farmers on necessary policies, research developments, and environmental issues.

Currently, Patrick is pursuing a master’s degree in the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's Degree in Aquaculture, Environment, and Society (EMJMD-ACES). His focus during this master's program is on aquaculture governance, policy, and environmental aspects, with a particular emphasis on understanding the aquaculture field in relation to the UN SDGs to promote more sustainable practices.

During his internship at UNU-CRIS, Patrick will work under the supervision of Nidhi Nagabhatla within the Nature, Climate, and Health Cluster. He will focus on developing a framework of ecological and socioeconomic indicators to integrate seaweed systems into sustainability agendas within the UN region and creating GIS layers based on these indicators using a spatiotemporal assessment framework. Additionally, he will support cluster projects and activities by utilising remote sensing and GIS tools, including creating a database of papers, reports, and projects on cross-border water governance in specific regions over the past 25 years.