Luk Van Langenhove is Co-Editor of the Report on A European Framework for Science Diplomacy - Recommendations of the EU Science Diplomacy Working Groups

Luk Van Langenhove (left), Founding Director of UNU-CRIS and currently UNU-CRIS Professorial Fellow, Jan Marco Müller (third from left) and Nienke Buisman (right), handing over the report “A Framework for European Science Diplomacy” to Signe Ratso.

Last week the Commission published an expert report titled A European Framework for Science Diplomacy. The report is the result of a six-month co-creation process involving 130 scientists, diplomats and other science diplomacy experts, to develop recommendations for a future European Framework for Science Diplomacy.
This follows on from the Council Conclusions on the Global Approach to Research and Innovation adopted in September 2021, to develop a European Science Diplomacy Agenda and the informal Competitiveness Council (Research) in July 2023, at which EU Research Ministers asked to deliver an ambitious European Framework for Science Diplomacy.
The report reviews the state-of-the-art of European science diplomacy and discusses its mission, objectives and values. Its recommendations include proposals for strategic, operational and enabling instruments and related actions, to ensure better coordination and identify synergies, to address existing vulnerabilities and for the EU to act more strategically on the global stage.