
Carlos Fonseca (Colombia)

My time as an intern at UNU-CRIS was truly transformative and enriching. I had the privilege of constantly learning in a collaborative and supportive environment, characterised by its multiculturalism. UNU-CRIS, besides being located in the charming city of Bruges, offers multiple opportunities for learning and intellectual stimulation and discussion Not only was I able to contribute to a variety of research projects but I was also encouraged by my supervisors to conduct autonomous research, participate in research seminars and other academic events organized by the institute and other institutions. I also had the possibility to expand my network with scholars and practitioners from around the world, further broadening my perspective on global issues. Overall, my internship experience was an incredible opportunity to learn and grow, which I would strongly recommend to anyone interested in regional integration and cooperation, and in the various fields of governance in which UNU-CRIS specialises.

Irfana Khatoon (Pakistan)

I had the privilege of interning with UNU-CRIS during the summer of 2022, and it was truly a transformative experience. The academic environment provided ample opportunities for learning, not only from my supervisors Professor Dr Glenn Rayp and Dr Samuel Standaert but also from my colleagues, which helped me refine my research skills and deepen my understanding of the field.

As someone who aspires to pursue a career in research, the internship offered me a great opportunity to gain valuable insights into the research process, and I feel much more confident in my abilities as a result. The friendly office culture and supportive atmosphere made it easy to ask questions and collaborate with colleagues, and I was able to make many new friends along the way.

Moreover, my stay in Bruges provided a great backdrop for a productive and fun summer. Overall, I cannot recommend UNU-CRIS highly enough to anyone who is interested in gaining valuable research experience related to regional integration.

Zane Šime (Latvia)

UNU-CRIS is an outstanding centre of expertise. The Institute offers plenty of insights into the multifaceted forms of international and multilateral ties that reach well beyond the traditional assumptions about the Westphalian system. The capacity building events and scholarly output coordinated by UNU-CRIS prove the importance of continuous and close examination of the evolution of various forms and constellations of regions.

The greatest and grandest asset of the Institute is its people. The Institute hosts an international pool of forthcoming experts. My research outputs benefited from their ability to pragmatically navigate the fine balance between tradition, meaning, established academic, policy realms and novelty captured by some experimental or rather recently identified developments that touch upon the overall rich landscape of governance studies and practice. 

Therese Mager (United States)

I had the privilege of carrying out an internship with UNU-CRIS in the summer of 2018, fulfilling a requirement for my Erasmus Mundus Global Studies master's degree. UNU-CRIS provided an excellent environment for conducting research and taught me several new skills, including grant proposal writing, which will be useful for my future career. With the institute's international staff and interns, location in historic Bruges, proximity to Brussels, and access to research seminars and events, I was constantly exposed to fresh ideas and opportunities. Most importantly, I was thrilled to work with UNU-CRIS's generous director, Dr. Madeleine Hosli, and its highly qualified and thoughtful personnel. I felt welcome from the moment I arrived! I would definitely recommend a traineeship with UNU-CRIS to students interested in global governance research and policy-making!

Hannah Grondelaers (Belgium)

Nu mijn onderzoeksstage bij de Migratie en Sociaal Beleid cluster na zes maanden ten einde loopt, blik ik trots terug op mijn tijd bij UNU-CRIS. Mijn stage bij dit VN-onderzoeksinstituut heeft heel erg bijgedragen aan mijn zelfontplooiing als jonge onderzoekster, omdat ik kon werken aan een individueel onderzoeksproject. Tegelijkertijd werd ik tijdens mijn stage betrokken bij de overige onderzoeksactiviteiten van het instituut, en kreeg ik de kans deel te nemen aan seminaries, maandelijkse vergaderingen en belangrijke evenementen, binnen een gastvrij en ondersteunend multicultureel team van ervaren onderzoekers. Specifiek de ondersteuning die ik ontving van het Flanders Trainee Programme heeft ertoe bijgedragen dat ik deze stageperiode succesvol kon afronden, dankzij een genereuze subsidie en vlotte samenwerking.