Geutjens, Lien

Lien Geutjens received a Master's Degree in International Politics from the Catholic University of Leuven and a Master's Degree in Journalism Studies (Written and Online Media) from the Erasmushogeschool in Brussels.
Originally Lien envisioned a career in development cooperation. After studying journalism, she was an intern for the Belgian Federal Public Service of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation for the service Humanitarian Aid. She also interned at the Belgian Mission with the United Nations Offices in Geneva where she worked on the post-2015 development agenda.
At UNU-CRIS Lien worked as a communication intern under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Luk Van Langenhove, Léonie Maes and Pascale Vantorre. Her main tasks consisted of supporting general communications and the organisation of several conferences, including a TEDx event. With her internship at UNU-CRIS Lien combined her two fields of interest: international relations and external communications.