SEMINAR: Paradiplomacy and Regional Governance: The Role of Regions and Cities in the European Union and Mercosur

The interpretation of regional integration and regionalism relies heavily on governance approaches. Governance goes beyond the notion that both concepts only represent groups of states that come together to establish new institutions, characterized by enhanced cooperation and the reorganization of various actors, agendas, and activities.
As a result, it is necessary to examine regional dynamics not only by focusing on central governments but also as a dimension that includes subnational governments such as regions and cities. Additionally, it is essential to highlight that regional processes are not limited to economic or commercial platforms but also serve as arenas where technical, political, cultural, and societal meanings exist. Moreover, regionalism can be perceived as the centre for numerous initiatives that involve dividing responsibilities among regional bodies.
Considering various aspects of global and regional governance, this ongoing research aims to analyse the international projection of subnational governments, also known as paradiplomacy, in the European Union (EU) and the Southern Common Market (Mercosur) by examining the EU's Committee of Regions (CoR) and the Mercosur Cities and Regions Consultative Forum (FCCR), with the objective of evaluating their institutionalization level, thematic agenda formulation, and activities and initiatives.
Monday, 22 May 2023
11.00 - 12.30
UNU-CRIS (Björn Hettne Meeting Room), Potterierei 72, Bruges

Cairo Junqueira
Adjunct Professor – Federal University of Sergipe – UFS, Brazil
Postdoctoral Fellow – Graduate Program in IR San Tiago Dantas – UNESP, Brazil
Coordinator – Regionalism Observatory – ODR, Brazil
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