Hoxhaj, Rezart

Development economics
Factor mobility
Immigrants integration
Attitudes towards immigrants
Immigrants time use
PhD International Migration, Università di Bari Aldo Moro and University of Lille 1
MA Università di Bari Aldo Moro
Rezart Hoxhaj is an Associate Research Fellow since January 2024, previously he has been a Research Fellow at UNU-CRIS since 1 March 2021. He is a Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellow affiliated to the Department of Economics and CESSMIR at Ghent University. His research project aims to study the integration of immigrants by using a new approach based on the time allocated to a large set of daily activities under the supervision of Prof. Glenn Rayp (Ghent University). Before joining Ghent University and UNU-CRIS, he was a research fellow at Migration Policy Centre (EUI, Florence) and at Roma Tre University (Rome). Other experience includes teaching and research at University of Vlorë Isamil Qemali (Albania).
At UNU-CRIS, Rezart Hoxhaj will conduct research related to his project and will collaborate with UNU-CRIS researcher in activities and other research projects on international migration and its regional dimension.