Roundtable: Defining the Paradiplomacy Research Agenda

19 April 2024

On Friday, 19 April from 13:30 - 15:00 CEST, UNU-CRIS, together with the Flanders Chancellery and Foreign Office and the University of Lodz, are organising a roundtable discussion to discuss and define the paradiplomacy research agenda.

The discussion will bring together leading scholars in the field to assess where the study of paradiplomacy is currently and which avenues it should take in the future, as the importance and diversity of subnational actors in the international realm continues to grow. 

The outcomes of the roundtable will feed into a Policy Brief to be published by UNU-CRIS, which will serve as a guiding document in the study of paradiplomacy in the years to come. 



  • Philippe De Lombaerde (Chair)
    • UNU-CRIS
  • Sandrina Antunes
    • University of Minho, Research Centre in Political Science (CICP)
  • Babatunde Fagbayibo
    • University of Pretoria
  • Noé Cornago
    • University of the Basque Country
  • Jorge Schiavon
    • Center for Economic Research and Teaching (CIDE) 
  • Tomasz Kaminski
    • University of Łódź 
  • Joanna Ciesielska-Klikowska
    • University of Łódź 


Guiding Questions

The discussion will be guided by questions such as:

  • What are interesting/priority research avenues for the paradiplomacy research agenda for the coming years?
  • Which novel research questions should be addressed (and why)?
  • In which direction should the scope of paradiplomacy studies expand?
  • Which innovative research methods could/should be used in paradiplomacy studies?
  • Which new data sources/databases could be explored?
  • Which potential for quantitative analysis?
  • Which potential (and methodological challenges) for comparative research?
  • Which potential for cross-regional collaborative research projects?



Register here to attend (online)


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