Inter-Operational Collaboration between UN Peacekeeping Operations in the Middle East: A Field Perspective

11 October 2019
Research Seminar

Diego Salama

Diego Salama is a Ph.D Candidate in History of International Relations at Leiden University. His research will focus on history of the United Nations and Peacekeeping. In addition, Diego currently works for the United Nations University - MERIT as a public information officer.

Mr. Salama will present his paper which examines to what extent do the three peacekeeping operations deployed to deal with the Israeli-Arab conflict – UNTSO, UNIFIL and UNDOF - collaborate at the operational and strategic levels. The paper first draws on the available literature to create a theoretical framework that defines collaboration and reviews the experiences of other bundles of missions that already collaborate. Through the lens of inter-operation collaboration and co-constitutive learning, this paper sheds further light on UN peacekeeping history with the Israeli-Arab conflict. While the majority of peacekeeping literature focuses on either one single operation or conducts global assessments, this paper hopes to understand how regional dynamics impacts innovation in peacekeeping operations, and asks whether geographical proximity can foster cooperation at the operational level. Furthermore, it discusses if it is possible for the UN to develop regional strategies where the operations, the UN Country Teams and even political offices are part of a holistic strategy and culture.

Friday 11 October 2019
11:00 - 12:30 
UNU-CRIS, Bruges

This event is free but registration is required.

Please register here before 9 October 23:59 CET.

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