PhD Fellow
Biographical Statement 

Sanae Youbi is a PhD researcher and teaching assistant at the Department of Political Science at ULB University (REPI). She is also a PhD Fellow at UNU-CRIS, where her research focuses on mobilities induced by anthropic ecological transformations within the Migration and Social Policy Cluster and the Nature, Climate, and Health Cluster, under the supervision of Dr. Nidhi Nagabhatla.

Before joining ULB, Sanae worked as a researcher and academic assistant at the College of Europe in Bruges, contributing to the Political and Governance Studies team. She has also gained experience at the European Parliament and with Brussels-based NGOs. She holds a Master’s in Political Science from ULB and a Master’s in European Studies from the Institute for European Studies (IEE).

As part of her role at UNU-CRIS, Sanae actively supports the work of both the Migration and Social Policy Cluster and the Nature, Climate, and Health Cluster, which address the interconnected challenges of migration, environmental change, and public health. These clusters create synergies that drive interdisciplinary research and evidence-based policies, promoting sustainable and equitable solutions. 

Sanae will collaborate with these teams, contributing her expertise to further their shared objectives. She will actively research and outreach within both clusters, working to map synergies with ULB, foster collaboration, and enhance collective impact. Her efforts support interdisciplinary projects addressing migration, climate change, and public health.

Her work involves producing and contributing to knowledge outputs such as peer-reviewed papers and policy briefs on integrating migration, nature, and health for climate resilience. In collaboration with UNU-CRIS team members and thematic experts, she examines the interdependencies between migration dynamics, ecosystem integrity, and public health under climate change pressures. By showcasing successful case studies and innovative strategies, she aims to provide actionable recommendations for policymakers, supporting integrated solutions that enhance resilience and protect vulnerable communities.