Special Issue: Between Cooperation and Competition: Major Powers in Shared Neighbourhoods
The special issue is compiled by three guest-editors: Simon Schunz (College of Europe and UNU-CRIS), Sieglinde Gstöhl (College of Europe) and Luk Van Langenhove (IES and UNU-CRIS) and deals with interactions between major powers in a regional context, that is when they share a neigbourhood which they perceive as a sphere of interest. Four significant cases of major powers’ interactions in shared neighbourhoods from different continents are analysed: (1) the interactions between the EU and Russia in Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus; (2) the relations between the EU and the Middle Eastern powers in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean, (3) China– India relations in South Asia, and (4) Brazil-US relations in Latin America.
The introductory article by the guest-editors, “Between cooperation and competition: major powers in shared neighbourhoods”, can be found here.