Staeger, Ueli

- African international relations
- African Union politics and Africa-EU relations
- Governance and funding of international organizations
- Peacekeeping & cybersecurity
- PhD in International Relations/Political Science (with distinction), Geneva Graduate Institute, Geneva
- MA in EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies, College of Europe, Bruges
- MSc in International Politics, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
- BA in Political Science, University of Geneva
Dr Ueli Staeger is an Associate Research Fellow at UNU-CRIS within the Regions and Cities Governance Lab Cluster (Re-LAB). Ueli is a Research and Teaching Fellow (Maître-Assistant) at the University of Geneva. He researches the dynamics of power and money at international organisations (IOs), with a focus on peace and security. His empirical focus is on the African Union’s resource mobilization and partnerships.
In addition to his teaching and research activities at the University of Geneva, he was a visiting researcher at the Department of International Relations, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, and is an associated researcher at the Global Governance Center, Geneva Graduate Institute, Geneva. He is also a member of the steering committee at the Geneva Africa Lab.
Staeger's research was published in the Journal of Common Market Studies, West European Politics, Cooperation and Conflict, and International Spectator. Ongoing research projects explore the strategies of African states in global multilateral cybersecurity and cybercrime processes, small states' peacekeeping deployments, and a comparative study of IO sanctions for unpaid assessed contributions.