UNU-CRIS is Hosting the UNU Migration Network Research Symposium

02 October 2023


The UNU Migration Network is a collaborative platform that brings together scholars, researchers, and experts from around the UNU institutes to address the complex and multifaceted challenges posed by migration. This network focuses on steering discourse on pressing global issues on migration. It is a hub for interdisciplinary research, knowledge sharing, and policy dialogue on migration-related topics while facilitating an understanding of migration's drivers, impacts, and implications for individuals, societies, and economies. Through its diverse experts, the network strives to contribute evidence-based insights and innovative solutions to inform international and national policies concerning migration, displacement, and related topics. 

This UNU Migration Network plays a crucial role in shaping informed and practical approaches to migration challenges by promoting collaboration between researchers at UNU and also with other experts and UN agencies. The network's efforts advance academic research and help guide the development of policies that address the needs and aspirations of migrants and host communities, focusing on promoting sustainable development, social inclusion, and human rights. 

Also, it serves as a vital platform for facilitating meaningful exchanges, generating new knowledge, and driving positive change in migration studies and policymaking with its annual symposium. At the 2023, network meeting at UNU CRIS, the participants will focus on three key themes. 


Thematic Session 1: Migration and Climate (and Health) 

This -session will explore the complex interplay between climate change and human migration, examining the challenges, impacts, and potential solutions in this evolving landscape, also reflecting the direct and indirect health outcomes. The session will bring together researchers and experts from the network to foster interdisciplinary discussions and share insights on the connections between climate change and migration, exploring how environmental factors such as natural disasters, resource scarcity, and changing weather patterns contribute to migration pathways, while will delving into the social, economic, and environmental impacts of climate-induced migration, with a particular emphasis on vulnerable communities and regions. It will also address challenges faced by migrants regarding water crises, climate crises, and related health outcomes. 


Thematic session 2: Migration and development 

Under the theme ‘migration and development’ to discuss the causes and consequences of migration (or the lack thereof). Under the umbrella of migration and development, we welcome submissions that cover (but are not limited to) any of the following themes: well-being, development, education, aspirations, corruption, inequality, etc. 


Thematic session 3: Migration and governance 

Under this theme, presentations will focus on migration policies or governance or the implications of research findings for migration policies or governance. Policies or governance can relate to any aspect or stage of migration, broadly conceived (e.g. labour migration, forced migration, irregular migration, return migration, etc.), at any level of governance (e.g. national, sub-national, or international). 

More about the network at https://migration.unu.edu/ . For any other related questions, please contact Ine Lietaert (ilietaert@cris.unu.edu and Nidhi Nagabhatla (nnagabhatla@cris.unu.edu)

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