Fernandez Moriana, Vanessa
Vanessa Fernández Moriana was a Master’s candidate in Public Policy and Human Development at the Maastricht Graduate School of Governance, specialised in Regional Integration and Multi-Level Governance. Her Master’s thesis focussed on analysing the contribution of regional integration processes on governance efficiency, evaluating the benefits of European technocracy combined with member states' national democracies. The project was an effort to promote the optimum public policy outcomes for society while facilitating a better understanding of multi-level policy processes.
She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from Universidad de Barcelona and has a professional background on China-Europe economic and political relations. She was a visiting lecturer at Toulouse Business School.
At UNU-CRIS, Vanessa worked under supervision of Philippe De Lombaerde on the project "Indicators-based Monitoring of Regional Economic Integration" for a duration of two months.