Chattu, Vijay Kumar

Visiting Research Fellow
Research Interests 

Global Health Diplomacy & Global Health Security
Multilateralism- Global Health Governance, Water & Climate Governance
Climate Change-Migration-Health Nexus
Health-Trade-Politics interface
Emerging Technologies & Applications for Planetary Health
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
G20, G7, BRICS+ and regional groups such as Africa Union, MENA and CARICOM


PhD- The University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago
MPhil- Stellenbosch University, South Africa
MPH- Institute of Tropical Medicine, Belgium
Grad. Cert. Global Health Diplomacy- Graduate Institute Geneva, Switzerland
PG Cert. Global Mental Health- Harvard University, USA
MD - Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur University, India
MBBS- Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur University, India

Biographical Statement 

Vijay Kumar Chattu is a virtual Visiting Research Fellow at UNU-CRIS. Dr. Chattu is a medical doctor specialised in Community Medicine, Health Policy, Refugee Mental Health, Global Governance, and International Relations. He is a post-doctoral researcher at Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto and an Adjunct Professor at the School of Public Health, University of Alberta. Dr. Chattu is also a Senior Fellow at the WHO collaborating centre for Knowledge Translation and Health Technology Assessment in Health Equity, Bruyère Research Institute, Ottawa. He has over 23 years of teaching, research and programme experience working in over 15 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Caribbean, the USA and Canada. He has travelled to over 45 countries and has diverse experience working with Universities, Ministries of Health, Ministries of Higher Education, International NGOs and multi-laterals such as the World Bank Group, WHO and UNAIDS-TSFs in Asia and Africa. Dr Chattu is one of the top researchers in sustainability at the University of Toronto and is the recipient of the “2023 Adams Sustainability Action Award.” As a guest faculty, he teaches Global Health Governance, Global Health Diplomacy and Health Systems Strengthening courses at the University of Ottawa and McGill University.

At UNU-CRIS, Dr. Chattu will conduct interdisciplinary research on multilateralism, global health governance, and water and climate governance, focussing on the Caribbean region and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). His research will explore the role of global health diplomacy in the climate change-migration-health nexus. He will work closely with experts on the T20 Policy brief- “From IWRM to Water Security - Changing Paradigms or Complementing Knowledge?: Water Governance under India’s G20 presidency” for the 2023 G20 Summit in India. Dr. Chattu, the Co-Lead for Governance at the ‘CliMigHealth’ network, will collaborate with UNU-CRIS and Ghent University partners. He will contribute a book chapter for the upcoming “Springer United Nations University Series on Regionalism”. Besides, Dr. Chattu will teach ‘’Governance” for the Doctoral ‘CliMigHealth’ Summer School organised by Ghent University, UNU-CRIS, in collaboration with other Flemish Universities.

Dr. Chattu is the Chief Executive Officer of Global Health Research Innovations Canada Inc. (GHRIC) based in Toronto, a global organization working in the areas of Health Security, Diplomacy, Programme Evaluation, Data Analytics & Health Intelligence, Health and Climate Change, Mental Health, Health Technology Assessments, and providing innovative and sustainable solutions for the real-world problems. His research interests also include NCDs, Climate change impacts on human Health, One Health, Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) and Socioeconomic determinants of Health. He has over 350 research publications in top journals such as Lancet, JAMA, Nature, BMJ etc. and is ranked among the World’s Top 2% scientists in Public Health by Stanford University Rankings in 2022 & 2021.