European Union in International Affairs (EUIA18) Conference

Submission Deadline Extended to 3 November 2017 at 23:59 CET
The European Union in International Affairs VI Conference - Protecting and Projecting Europe (EUIA18)
Brussels, 16 – 18 May 2018
The Institute for European Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (IES-VUB), the Institut d’Études Européennes at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (IEE-ULB), the United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS), and Egmont – the Royal Institute for International Relations invite paper abstracts and panel proposals for the sixth European Union in International Affairs (EUIA) conference. It will focus on the theme ‘Protecting and Projecting Europe’.
The EU has entered a critical phase of its history. A range of internal and external challenges confront the Union in ways and to an extent inconceivable in the past. The resilience of democratic norms in the face of populist movements and economic uncertainty, migration, terrorism and radicalisation and the decision of the United Kingdom to leave are just some of the challenges facing the EU. Many of these issues are closely interlinked with global developments. Instability or the (re-)consolidation of authoritarian rule in neighbouring countries, an altered geopolitical environment, climate change and resource constraints affect the EU’s ability to act as a credible and effective international actor. In view of this difficult environment, will the EU be able to protect its citizens while also projecting its values into the world? In what ways has the EU’s international role and standing been subject to change?
The EUIA biennial conference provides a major forum for discussion and exchange of ideas amongst academics and policy-makers who engage with these issues. We encourage the submission of paper abstracts and panel proposals that integrate the perspective on ‘protection and projection’ and investigate examples from various policy fields. Topics may include, but are not limited to:
The EU and international security
- The EU as a diplomatic and security actor at a time of geopolitical shifts
- Reforming European Security and Defence Policy
- The European Neighbourhood Policy and local and regional dynamics
- Counter-terrorism and the external dimension of EU policing and criminal justice policies
- European values, cultural and science diplomacy and the EU’s external action
- Europe’s reaction to a changing transatlantic relationship and the rise of Asia
Climate, energy and environment
- The EU’s role in global environmental governance and climate diplomacy
- EU external energy relations and the Paris Agreement
- Environmental, climate and energy policies and democratic governance in Europe and beyond
- Energy and the Arctic as new field of geostrategic interests
The external dimension of EU migration and rule of law policies
- The dynamics of externalising EU migration and border control policies
- International refugee protection in uncertain times
- The effectiveness of the EU in promoting the rule of law
- International Organisations and equality and diversity policies
Economic governance and globalisation
- New technologies, regulation and democratic governance
- Global governance, participation and legitimacy
- Financial regulation, fairness and developments in globalisation
- The external effects of the European monetary policy
- Economic law and trade: unilateralism, bilateralism and protectionism
EUIA18 will host high-level keynote addresses and will mark the 40th anniversary of the Journal of European Integration (JEI) by hosting the first JEI Annual Lecture. A selection of the EUIA best papers will be published in a themed JEI section.
The conference will also welcome the editors of the leading EU journals (Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of European Public Policy, Journal of European Integration, European Security, and Global Affairs), who will share their views on the EU in international affairs and provide insights into current trends in journal publishing. Junior researchers will have the opportunity to join a research/publishing workshop so that they can become better acquainted with publication processes and the state of the art of EU integration studies.
Please submit your paper abstract (300 words max.) or panel proposal (title of panel + short introduction to the panel of 300 words max. + 4 paper abstracts of 300 words max. + name of chair and discussant) according to the instructions on the conference website: EUIA18 encourages a collaborative approach to research so panel proposals are particularly welcome. The selection will take place in a blind peer review process, with each submission evaluated by three reviewers.
Deadline for submission: Fri 3 November 2017
Notification of acceptance: Wed 17 January 2018
Submission of full papers: Wed 2 May 2018
EUIA Conference: 16-18 May 2018
We look forward to welcoming you to the sixth EUIA conference!
Florian Trauner (Conference Chair) and Antonios Nestoras (Academic Coordinator) on behalf of the EUIA conference organisers: IES-VUB, IEE-ULB, UNU-CRIS and Egmont
The EU in International Affairs conference secretariat
Institute for European Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels (mailing address)
T: +32-2-6148040
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