Pacileo, Bonaventura

Research Intern
04/08/2014 to 31/10/2014
Biographical Statement 

Bonaventura Pacileo was a Master’s candidate in Economics and Social Sciences at Bocconi University in Milan. During his Master he specialised in the theory underlying current economic and social systems. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Social Sciences from Bocconi University and has studied International Business and Economics at Erasmus University, Rotterdam (The Netherlands).

Previously, he studied Development Economics and integrated his academic insights with practical experiences working for a microcredit institution in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

As an intern at UNU-CRIS, Bonaventura worked on the “Socio-Economic Dimension of Regional Integration: Globalisation, Regionalisation and Socio-Economic Inequality” (GRESI) project under the supervision of Philippe de Lombaerde until the end of October. His research interests include international trade; regional integration, market potential of Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs). In his thesis, he analysed the effects of political and economic integration processes from both a theoretical and applied perspective.