School of Modern Diplomacy 2024
The art of diplomacy has evolved. In an age where a few sentences from a world leader on social media can give a green light to foreign military action or move markets, there is no denying that the classic notions of diplomacy no longer reflect reality.
What has taken its place is a modern, multi-level and multi-faceted approach that encompasses all the tools of the international and interconnected global sphere. Effective diplomacy now relies on the ability of a government to engage on numerous fronts and in numerous departments.
This programme, organised by UNU-CRIS, the Vienna School of International Studies and the Foreign Services Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration of Ghana, in collaboration with the Department of Foreign Affairs of Flanders, Ghent University and the Brussels School of Governance (BSoG/VUB), trains its participants on how to enact effective diplomacy in today’s turbulent world. It gives participants direct access to the practitioners, academics and policymakers at the forefront of their fields and operating at the highest levels, with modules covering the different facets of modern diplomacy and how they are being employed the world over to shape ideas, discussion and the world we live in.
"I liked the general organisation by the UNU-CRIS team, and most importantly the high calibre of experts who lectured during the school. Even the selection process of the participants was well thought-out, consisting of a vast array of professionals from all walks of life, and a true representation of the world."
- an alumnus of the School of Modern Diplomacy
This programme will be run online for one day per week for 10 weeks, on these dates:
- 19 September
- 26 September
- 3 October
- 10 October
- 17 October
- 24 October
- 31 October
- 7 November
- 14 November
- 21 November
Each day will cover a different thematic focus, with each module running from 10:00 - 16:00 CEST with breaks included.
There will be several virtual social events, as well as discussion sessions at the end of each day so the group can talk through the main topics and themes of the presentations.
Each session will be recorded and made available to the participants to ensure no one misses a moment in case of professional/private commitments.
Deadline for Applications and Selection Process
Applications are accepted on a rolling, first-come-first-served basis until 23:59 on 13 September. When the capped number of participant positions is filled, no more applications will be accepted, however strong applications after the cut-off has been reached will be placed on a waiting list and contacted should positions open.
The target audience for the School of Modern Diplomacy is primarily those in the diplomatic service or with aspirations to do so, academics and policymakers.
Applicants must hold at least a master's degree. There is no time limit as to when the degree was obtained.
The programme and assessment will be conducted in English, and as such participants are expected to have an excellent command of the English language.
Applications (in English) must include:
- A curriculum vitae
- A motivation letter (max. 2 pages)
The tuition fee for the School of Modern Diplomacy is €500.
A non-refundable deposit of €250 is required within two weeks of acceptance.
Full payment must be made within four weeks of receiving the acceptance confirmation email.
Both the deposit and the remainder of the fee can be paid together.
Alumni of previous UNU-CRIS Summer Programmes (2019/2020/2021/2022/2023), students from Ghent University, the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, any United Nations University education programme, and the College of Europe are entitled to a €100 discount on the full tuition fee.
Discounts are offered for groups of more than five participants - please contact for more information.
Evaluation & Certification
Participants will be asked to undertake a written evaluation, the format of which will be announced in the week prior to the commencement of the programme.
These written assessments will be evaluated by academic personnel from both UNU-CRIS and the DA Vienna, and those adjudged to have satisfied the criteria will be awarded a certificate.
Cancellation Policy
Less than 15 days before commencement date: 100% cancellation charge
All questions regarding the programme should be directed to the programme coordinator Andrew Dunn ( with Pascale Vantorre ( in cc.
Modules and Speakers
*agenda and presentation titles subject to change

What is Diplomacy, Really
Johan Verbeke
Diplomacy Between Global Governance: Aspirations and the Challenges of Populism and Geopolitics
Andrew F. Cooper

International Negotiations: Competence And Skills Training in Bilateral And Multilateral Negotiations
Mona Ali Khalil
Skills Of The Public Diplomat: Language, Narrative And Allegiance
Biljana Scott

Some Reflections on the Role of Culture in the Changing Nature of Diplomacy
Richard Higgott
China’s Cultural Diplomacy: A Great Leap Outward?
Xin Liu
Africa Is Not A Country
Dipo Faloyin

Economic Diplomacy: How Trade Can Bring Economic and Political Change
Cecilia Malmström
21st Century Economic Diplomacy
Linda Yueh

Migration Diplomacy and Power Politics
Gerasimos Tsourapas
City Diplomacy in the Governance of Migration and Displacement
Janina Sturner-Siovitz

Science Diplomacy in the Age of War
Luk Van Langenhove & Eric Piaget

The Changing Face of Energy Statecraft
Thijs Van De Graaf
Multidimensional Aspects of Water Security
Nidhi Nagabhatla

Social Media and Diplomacy
Dante Licona
Politics of the Digital
Jamal Shahin

Subnational Diplomacy and the Transformations of the Global Diplomatic Realm
Noe Cornago
Comparing Paradiplomacy: How It Works in Different Political Contexts
Tomasz Kamiński & Joanna Ciesielska-Klikowska

EU-Africa: In one Era and Out of the Other
Andrew Bradley
The UN Security Council in the New Era of Great Power Competition
Richard Gowan