CliMigHealth Expert Seminar - Beyond models: how habitability is shaped by perceptions.

30 March 2023

By François Gemenne – Director of The Hugo Observatory

Dear colleagues and fellow researchers, We are delighted to announce that Prof. François Gemenne, a renowned expert in environmental geopolitics and migration governance, will be joining us for our next CliMigHealth Expert Seminar.

As an FNRS senior research associate and Director of the Hugo Observatory at the University of Liège, Prof. François Gemenne has made significant contributions to the field of environmental and migration governance. He has conducted extensive research on populations displaced by environmental changes and policies of adaptation to climate change, as well as asylum and migration policies.

Prof. François Gemenne is also a lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and has delivered lectures on climate change and migration policies at various universities, including Sciences Po and Sorbonne University in Paris. His field studies in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, Tuvalu, China, Kyrgyzstan, the Maldives, and Mauritius, as well as in Japan after the Fukushima disaster, have further enriched his knowledge and expertise in the field.

Currently, he is coordinating two important European research projects: MAGYC, on migration governance and asylum crises, as well as HABITABLE, on migration induced by climate change. He also coordinated the DEVAST project, one of the first international projects to examine the social and political consequences of the Fukushima disaster. Furthermore, he has been involved in a large number of international research projects on migration and environmental changes, including EACH-FOR, HELIX, EDGE, MISTY and MECLEP, for which he was the global research coordinator.

We encourage all interested individuals to attend this seminar and engage in a stimulating discussion with Prof. François Gemenne on his research and experiences. We look forward to seeing you there on 30 March 2023, from 10.30 - 11.30 UTC +2.

Click here to join the virtual seminar (this seminar will be video recorded)
Meeting ID: 353 346 986 19; Passcode: orUMKo
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