Commodities, Governance and Economic Development under Globalization

Alfred Maizels's work on commodity trade and prices documented trends in a major area of international economic relations. His book on Industrial Growth and World Trade became a much reprinted classic and his subsequent studies continued this pioneering work, particularly, Exports and Economic Growth of Developing Countries and Commodities in Crisis. This volume celebrates Alfred Maizels's legacy and his contribution to trade, commodities and development issues. It is dedicated to his life-time achievements, covering his work from an analytical perspective and placing his research, at this very critical juncture, in the context of the current financial crisis and contemporary policy debates. The contributors to this volume discuss and extend the validity of Maizels's findings in the light of new empirical evidences. This important and timely volume is indispensable reading for all interested in commodities, international trade and finance, and their implications for economic development of low-income countries.
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