Salinas Abad, Cristina

Research Intern
15/06/2021 to 14/10/2021
Biographical Statement 

Cristina Salinas Abad started her internship at UNU-CRIS on 15 June 2021. Cristina has a background on International Relations and is pursuing her Master’s in Governance and Development at the Institute for Development Policy (IOB) of the University of Antwerp. Her research focuses on alternatives to development, environmental governance and social movements related to social and environmental justice at local, national and regional levels in Latin America.

In the academic field, Cristina worked at the Andean Center for International Studies of the Simón Bolívar Andean University, Ecuador, where she contributed to the preparation of research projects on democracy, integration, trade, globalization and environment. Also, she was journal manager of the academic publication Comentario Internacional.

During her internship at UNU-CRIS, Cristina worked under the supervision of Philippe De Lombaerde and Andrew Dunn and assisted in the organization of the Doctoral School on Latin American, European and Comparative Regionalism. In addition, she managed the editorial production of the special issue on 'Disintegrations' for the journal Comentario Internacional. As part of these activities, she provided research assistance.