Final Report on Regional Cooperation

Publication Date: 
Series Title: 
EU-GRASP Deliverables
Publication Language: 

Six different security issues are distinguished within the EU-GRASP project: (i) regional conflict, (ii) terrorism, (iii) weapons of mass destruction, (iv) energy security and climate change, (v) human rights, and (vi) migration. These security issues are addressed by the EU at various intersecting levels and by different means and policy-instruments, ranging from the bilateral (e.g., the growing dialogues between the EU and single States in a bilateral framework), regional (the EU internal dimension, or the interaction between the institutional actors and the EU Member States), interregional (the development of interregional dialogues between the EU and other regional organisations), and the global level (the link between the EU and the UN on the one hand, and the EU and other multilateral organisations on the other).
The aim of this paper is to provide a brief factsheet of the relevant findings with respect to regional cooperation that emanated from the case-studies and the ‘mapping exercise’ conducted by the six papers produced for Work Package three.