UNU-CRIS is a Partner in the GlobalSeaweedSTAR Finale

10 November 2021

This online event will showcase the impact and legacy of this unique 4-year programme funded by UKRI. It will show how the GSSTAR programme has changed the landscape of seaweed aquaculture at both the national and international level and mark the launch of an updated Global Policy Brief providing recommendations on safeguarding the future of the global seaweed industry.

Over the past four years, the GlobalSeaweedSTAR programme has worked to support the sustainable development of the global seaweed industry.

Funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund (UK Research and Innovation), GlobalSeaweedSTAR brought together an international team of experts in science, policy and economics from nine partner institutions across the United Kingdom, Philippines, Malaysia, Tanzania and Belgium (UNU-CRIS).

The programme has addressed key challenges faced by the industry and provided practical solutions to them, while also growing the research and innovation capacity of developing countries engaged in seaweed farming.

Nidhi Nagabhatla, UNU-CRIS Senior Research Fellow, in the presence of Elizabeth Cottier-Cook of the Scottish Association for Marine Science, UK, will officially launch the International Policy Brief.

Philippe De Lombaerde, UNU-CRIS Director ad interim, in the presence of Elizabeth Cottier-Cook of the Scottish Association for Marine Science, UK, will officially launch the International Policy Brief.

We invite you to join us online at the GlobalSeaweedSTAR finale to hear all about the impact and legacy of this unique four-year programme.
Please click here for the programme and here for the registration. 

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