Sethi, Manali

Manali Sethi started her virtual internship at UNU-CRIS on 1 April 2021. Manali is a first year student of Masters in Economics and Management of Government and International Organisations at Bocconi University, Milan. She obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics (Honours) at the University of Delhi, India with a Minor in Economics in 2020.
She has been an active member and part of the Managing Committee of Global Youth India, a national organisation that aims at empowering the youth for a global generation, where she got to improve her understanding of International Politics and Economics.
Manali is interested in studying developmental economics and public policy formulation. Her current degree at Bocconi University is helping her gain an understanding of the process of public policy formulation, analysis and evaluation along with the tools required to do the same.
Manali worked under the supervision of Samuel Standaert and Glenn Rayp for a period of 5 months to analyse the SDG monitoring efforts at the local level and making a comparison at the global level with the help of statistical tools.