An Assessment of Local SDG Monitoring: Literature Review
In this working paper, we review existing SDG monitoring initiatives from around the world. Based on extensive desk research, we built up a matrix with data on existing local SDG monitoring initiatives. Starting from that information, we selected a sample of initiatives to analyse further, based on criteria of geographical spread, type of initiative, type of initiator, size of the entity, relevance, and extent of focus on the SDGs.
By reading through the existing literature and reports, we determined certain aspects of local SDG Monitoring that were analysed: a) type of actors initiating the process and partnerships, b) type of monitoring initiatives and instruments, c) reference to the official framework, d) process of frameworks (choice and number of indicators per SDG) e) data sources. Then, we looked deeper into the benchmarking studies by analysing the methodologies used to build composite indicators (indexes).
As most of them use a similar methodology, the significant differences lie in the development of local indicators for SDG monitoring, where there is a large variety in terms of chosen indicators. This is often due to a lack of good local data. Although many studies mention the ambition to use innovative data sources, the majority currently do not bring this into practice.
This leads to the recommendation to build more standardised sets of indicators.