Mitigating Barriers to Digital Trade in Asia

15 May 2024
Research Seminar

On Wednesday 15 May, Lurong Chen will return to UNU-CRIS to give a Research Seminar on Mitigating Barriers to Digital Trade in Asia.

This is an in-person only event, please register here. 


Lurong Chen is a Senior Economist of Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA). Dr Chen received his PhD in International Economics from the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva. His research interests include digital economy, Asian regionalism, global value chains, trade in services, and IPRs. He is also working on FTAs, Chinese economy, and RCEP negotiation. Before joining ERIA, Dr Chen was a Research Fellow at UNU-CRIS.

His recent publications include Intellectual Property Rights and ASEAN Development in the Digital Age (published by Routledge), Accelerating Digital Transformation in Indonesia: Technology, Market and Policy (published by ERIA), and ERIA policy paper The Indo-Pacific Partnership and Digital Trade Rule-settings: Policy Proposals.

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