UNU-CRIS Summer School - Opening Day

17 June 2019

To celebrate the opening of the inaugural UNU-CRIS Summer School, we are proud to invite you to attend opening sessions, including:

Keynote Address - Unlocking the Power of the UN-EU Partnership

Rory Keane

Head of the United Nations Liaison Office for Peace and Security

Since October 2013, Mr. Rory Keane heads the United Nations Liaison Office for Peace and Security (UNLOPS), which represents the United Nations Departments of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA), Peace Operations (DPO), Operational Support (DOS) and the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) in Brussels and liaises on all matters related to peace and security that fall under the remit of these four entities. 

Before his appointment as Head of the UNLOPS, Mr. Keane worked for the United Nations Special Envoy for the Sahel Region. Previous to that , he served as the security sector advisor to the Special Representative of the UN Secretary -General in Liberia.  

Mr. Rory Keane has worked on peace and security issues for a number of years in a range of capacities, including as Team Leader of the OECD Int ernational Network on Conflict and Fragility, European Commission desk officer for the DRC and Great Lakes and as the OSCE Spokesperson in the former Yugoslavia.  

Mr. Keane holds a PhD in International Relations and a Marie Curie post -doctoral fellowship on EU peace and security policy.  

Lecture I - How Cohesive is the European Union in the United Nations General Assembly?

Lecture II - European Parliament Elections 2019: Challenges, Turnout and Prospects. 

Madeleine O. Hosli

Director, United Nations University - CRIS

Professor Madeleine O. Hosli has been Director of UNU-CRIS since 1 June 2017. Professor Hosli has a distinguished career researching and teaching on European integration, international organisations, and international political economy.

She has been a Professor of International Relations at Leiden University (Netherlands) since 2007, and has held visiting teaching positions at the University of Zürich, the Graduate Institute of International Studies (Geneva), Utrecht University College (UCU) and the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

She is author of The Euro: A Concise Introduction to European Monetary Integration (Lynne Rienner, 2005) and has published in various international peer-reviewed journals, including International Organization, International Studies Quarterly, the Review of International Organizations, European Journal of Political Research and the Journal of Common Market Studies.



While attendance is free of charge, participants are required to register here.


Preliminary Schedule:


09:30   Coffee & Welcome

10:00   Director’s Welcome             

10:15   Mr. Rory Keane

11:30   Short Break

11:45   Prof. Madeleine O. Hosli - Lecture I

12:45   Informal Networking Lunch

13:30   Prof. Madeleine O. Hosli - Lecture II

14:30   End of session




Potterierei 72, Bruges 8000


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