Internationalization as a Demand: International Epistemic Dialogue of Brazilian International Relations Graduate Courses

02 July 2019
Research Seminar

Glaucia Bernardo

Visiting Scholar, UNU-CRIS

Ph.D. candidate in Public Policy at the Federal University of Parana (Brazil)




Internationalization as a Demand: International Epistemic Dialogue of Brazilian International Relations Graduate Courses


The internationalization process of higher education is a demand for various international regimes and organisms. This demand was internalized by the Brazilian government through Mercosul and others multilateral fora that deal with education, such as UNESCO, OEI, USAN, CELAC, BRICS. Because of this external demand for internalization, there were a variety of programs such as Science Without Borders as wells as scholarships selection from Brazil agencies for educational and scientific development like CAPES and CNPQ. As there is a gap in studies of this process, this article aims to investigate variables of internationalization to frame the Brazilian scenario of International Relations Graduate Courses. For reaching this objective, we have adopted as methodology a quantitative analysis of qualitative data, problematizing it based on critical and decolonialism theories. As a result, we observed that International Relations Graduate Courses tend to focus their internationalization process on developed countries. As a consequence, there is an inclination to reproduce developed countries theories and analysis, especially from Europe.

Tuesday 2 July 2019
11:00 - 12:30 
UNU-CRIS, Bruges

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