Public Lecture: Bordering, Coloniality and Public Institutions in the UK

26 April 2022

CESSMIR and UNU-CRIS proudly announce the online Public LectureBordering, Coloniality and Public Institutions in the UK, taking place on 26 April 2022 from 14.00 - 15.00.

Organisers: Giacomo Orsini; Elsemieke van Osch en Ine Lietaert, UNU-CRiS Professorial Fellow

Speakers: Dr. Georgie Wemyss and Prof. Dr. Kathryn Cassidy




In this lecture we introduce some of the key concepts developed in our co-authored (with Nira Yuval-Davis) book Bordering (Polity Press, 2019). Based upon detailed ethnographic research in London, South-East England and North-West France, contextualised by policy and media analysis, our work explored the differentiated impacts of the UK’s border and immigration regime in everyday life. We illustrated how borderings, as the dynamic and shifting multi-scalar, multi-level spatial and virtual processes which construct, reproduce and contest borders, make a considerable contribution, to a variety of local, regional and global political projects of governance and belonging, determining individual and collective entitlements and duties as well as social cohesion and solidarity. Following this introduction, we then advance this framing through analysis of bordering in the context of 1. global coloniality, focusing on how racialised hierarchies of Britishness and belonging were (re) produced through historical maritime and immigration bordering legislations and 2. contemporary public institutions, focusing on the ways in which intra-and inter-institutional governance, relations and the delivery of a range of services across the public sector are being shaped and disrupted by bordering and responses to it.


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