FPN Workshop: Mental Health and ClimateChange at UNU-MERIT
This workshop is organised by :
Sanae Okamoto (UNU-MERIT / CRI) and Nidhi Nagabhatla (UNU-CRIS / CRI)
Support for facilitation: Cristina Mancigotti, Michaella Vanore (UNU-MERIT)
Aims of this workshop:
Enhancing understanding of climate risks and impacts on mental health and psychological well-being
Discussing Psychology’s role in developing climate services, analyze existing approaches to climate mental health issues
Understanding vulnerability factors and inequalities (e.g., gender, age, socioeconomic status, cultural taboos) to climate mental health and climate injustice
Building capacity of youth/young professionals towards building climate resilient communities
Experiencing group thinking process and bringing a collective call for climate action into our daily lives
This workshop will be attended by around 25 scholars from University of Maastricht to discuss four thematic actors/roles in the society on how these actors can support decrease or solve mental health impacts of climate change, and how this can empower the population into the future climate action:
1. Psychological support service and the role of community
2. Climate communication and the role of media
3. Climate action and the role of youth
4. Role of school and climate education
For any further information, please contact Nidhi Nagabhata at nnagabhatla@cris.unu.edu