Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Cities Forum #3 | Bridging Policy and Research on FDI and Cities: Sustainability, Chinese Investment and the Latest Thinking on Mobility

02 June 2023


Please join us for the third in our series of FDI and Cities forums, this time taking place in Paris on 2nd June. The forum is co-hosted by the School for Business and Society, University of YorkNEOMA Business School, and UNU-CRIS. The event will take place at NEOMA’s Paris Campus with the opportunity to follow proceedings online. 

We will hear some of the latest thinking in both policy and research domains in three panels: 

  • Sustainability, FDI and Cities
  • Chinese FDI and Cities
  • Mobility, FDI and Cities

Alexandre de Crombrugghe from the OECD in Paris will be the keynote speaker, followed by an opportunity to discuss the three-panel themes from both academic and policy perspectives. The forum will be of interest to researchers, academics, practitioners, and policymakers working on foreign investment into cities in an era where sustainability, China’s emergence as a global investor in cities, and city mobility are increasingly put under the spotlight.


Speakers and talks

Dr Simone Sandholz, Head of Urban Futures & Sustainability Transformation Programme, United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS)

'Urban sustainability transformation for whom, why and how?' 


Phil Henry, Built Environment Development Director at Genuit Group

'The challenges of installing cloud connected blue and green infrastructure to existing assets in order to manage increase rainfall events and promote biodiversity in cities'


Dr Filip De Beule, Associate Professor of International Business, Faculty of Economics and Business, KU Leuven

'Location decisions of Chinese MNCs during the internalisation process'


Dr Haiyan Zhang, Associate Professor, NEOMA Business School

'Location decisions of Chinese MNCs during the internalisation process'


Alex Irwin-Hunt, Global Markets Editor, host of Rising Ecosystems Podcast, fDi Intelligence 

'China's investment influence in the worlds' cities'


Dr Davide Castellani, Professor of International Business and Strategy, Henley Business School, University of Reading

'Getting there and around. The role of global and urban connectivity in the MNEs' location choices'


Dr Martin G. Kaspar, Head of Corporate Development, Fränkische Industrial Pipes

'The current revolution of the automotive industry and its impact on location choice'


Dr Philippe De Lombaerde, DIrector, UNU-CRIS




NEOMA Business School (Paris Campus) / Online via Zoom (registration required)



Please register here.

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