EU, Medlemsstaterna och Regionerna i den Globala Utvecklingspolitiken Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn Author(s): FredrikSöderbaum BjörnHettne PatrikStalgren Publication Date: 01 January 2008Publication Language: SEAppearing in: GränsbrytningIssue: SeptemberURL: Archive of 2008 Other articles by these authors 2025Comparative Regionalism beyond Europe versus the Rest 2024Beyond Exit: How Populist Governments Disengage from International Institutions 2021Peace Research Meets Implementation Studies: The Role of Implementing Actors 2017Swedish Development Cooperation and Ownership of African Regional Organizations 2017Civil Society Participation in Regional Social Policy: The Case of HIV/AIDS in the Southern ... Recent Articles 2025Comparative Regionalism beyond Europe versus the Rest 2025Blue and Green Water Scarcity in the McKenzie Creek Watershed of the Great Lakes Basin 2024Beyond Exit: How Populist Governments Disengage from International Institutions